Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Biaya Kursus Singkat / Diklat Keterampilan Pelaut DAFTAR DIKLAT KETERAMPILAN PELAUT / SHORT COURSE

Jenis Diklat

Waktu Pelaksanaan



Basic Safety Training (BST)
8 Hari
3 Hari
4 Hari
3 Hari
4 Hari
4 Hari
Oil Tanker Training (OT)
5 Hari
Chemical Tanker Training Programme (CTTP)
5 Hari
Liquified Gas Tanker (LGT)
5 Hari
Radar Simulator
4 Hari
Arpa Simulator
4 Hari
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
17 Hari
Ship Security Officer (SSO)
3 Hari
Company Security Officer (CSO)
3 Hari
Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)
5 Hari
Familiarization Safety Officer (FST) / Off Shore
3 Hari
Crowd and Crysis Management Training (CCM)
3 Hari
Fast Rescue Boat Training
4 Hari
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code
4 Hari
International Bulk Chemical (IBC) Code
4 Hari
International Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BCCode)
5 Hari
Passanger Safety Course (PSC)
12 Hari
Ballast Water Management
5 Hari
Health and Safety Course (HSC)
5 Hari
Shipping Agent Course
5 Hari
Procedures Export Import Course
5 Hari
International Trading Course
5 Hari

Diklat Keterampilan Pelaut Program Kerjasama
No. Jenis Diklat
Waktu Pelaksanaan
1. LNG Familiarization Course
10 hari / 80 jam
2. LNG Standard Training Course
12 hari / 96 jam    
3. Welding Machine Course
5 hari / 40 jam    
4. Deck Practical Skill
5 hari / 40 jam    
5. Lathe Machine Course
5 hari / 40 jam    
6. Risk Management
3 hari / 24 jam    
7. Electronic Chart and Display Training  / ECDIS
4 hari / 32 jam    
8. Marine Electricity Course
5 hari / 40 jam    
9. Bridge Resourse Management / BRM
3 hari / 20 jam    
10. Turbine Simulator Training
3 hari / 24 jam    
11. Full Mission Ship Simulator (FMSS) Training
2 hari / 16 jam    
12. Welding Machine Course
5 hari / 40 jam    
13. Lathe Machine Course
5 hari / 40 jam    
14. Engine Watchkeeping
5 hari / 35 jam    
15. Deck Watchkeeping
4 hari / 25 jam    
16. Helmsmanship Training
1 hari / 6 jam    
17. Diklat Kepabeanan
5 hari / 40 jam    
18. Praktek Simulator Taruna Swasta Jurusan Nautika
12 hari    
19. Praktek Simulator Taruna Swasta Jurusan Teknika
12 hari    
20. Security Awareness Training 12 hari / 8 jam    

Kesempatan Kerja STIP

STIP telah berhasil mencetak SDM di bidang kelautan di segala bidang profesi :
1.Perwira diatas kapal milik Perusahaan Pelayaran Asing
dan Domestik
2.Industri Pelayaran
3.On Shore / Off Shore
4.Instansi Pemerintah
6.Biro Klasifikasi Asing dan Domestik

TEKNIKA 1.Perwira diatas kapal milik Perusahaan Pelayaran Asing
dan Domestik
2.Industri Pelayaran
3.On Shore / Off Shore
4.Instansi Pemerintah
6.Biro Klasifikasi Asing dan Domestik
7.Industri Permesinan

KETATALAKSANAAN DAN KEPELABUHANAN 1.Pemegang kendali atas pelabuhan-pelabuhan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia
3.Perusahaan Pelayaran Nasional dan Internasional, BUMN dan Instansi Pemerintah dan Swasta yang bergerak di bidang :
  • Export / Import
  • Surveyor
  • Asuransi Maritim
  • Freight forwarder
  • Logistic
  • Bongkar Muat
  • Dan lain sebagainya

ABS Kembali Berikan Beasiswa Kepada Taruna Berprestasi STIP

Bentuk Kepedulian America Berau Shipping kepada pendidikan ditunjukkan kembali dengan memberikan beasiswa kepada taruna-taruni berprestasi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran (STIP) Jakarta, Kamis, 9 Januari 2014 di Ruang Maritim Kampus STIP.
20 Taruna yang menerima beasiswa, masing-masing dari Semester VII, Jurusan Nautika berjumlah 4 orang, yaitu Imansyah Budi Prakoso, Oktafan Hermawan, Zain Prasetyansyah, Abdul rohman dan Teknika berjumlah 4 orang, yaitu Nillo Achmad Prasetyo, Frengky Manurung, Ilham Syawaludin, Ade Rezki Fajar. Selain itu, Taruna-Taruni Semester II yang menerima beasiswa dari Jurusan Nautika berjumlah 4 orang, Teknika 4 orang, dan Kalk sebanyak 4 orang. Beasiswa diserahkan oleh perwakilan ABS, Mr. Mohamad Yusof, yang juga disaksikan oleh beberapa pejabat STIP.
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Selain program pemberian beasiswa, “ABS berharap di waktu yang akan datang dapat terus bekerjasama dengan STIP secara rutin bukan hanya yang bersifat 1 tahun sekali.” Ujar Mr. Yusof, yang diamini oleh PUKET I, Drs. Bambang Sumali, M.Sc. Selanjutnya, kedepannya STIP akan berencana mengundang Perwakilan dari ABS sebagai pembicara di Kuliah Umum yang menjadi agenda rutin bagian pendidikan itu.
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Visi dan Misi STIP

Maksud dan Tujuan :
Untuk mendidik sumber daya manusia menjadi Perwira-perwira Pelayaran Niaga serta Ahli Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan yang handal dan berkualitas internasional.

Dalam melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsinya, STIP telah menetapkan Visi dan Misi sebagai berikut:

Menjadi institusi pendidikan pelayaran yang unggul dan bertaraf internasional pada tahun 2030.

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk penguasaan kompetensi ilmu pelayaran yang bertaraf internasional berbasis metodologi modern dan teknologi informasi.
  2. Melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat guna pengembangan industri pelayaran.
  3. Membentuk sikap kepemimpinan, mental dan moral serta kesamaptaan peserta didik untuk meningkatkan sumber daya manusia industri pelayaran yang berkualitas.
  4. Mengembangkan dan memelihara sarana dan prasarana pendidikan serta fasilitas pembentukan sikap untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas.
  5. Melaksanakan tatakelola pendidikan yang transparan dan akuntabel berbasis pada manajemen mutu terpadu serta menerapkan sistem penjaminan mutu pendidikan.
Sesuai visi dan misi, STIP bertekad untuk memuaskan pengguna jasa dengan cara:
  1. Meningkatkan sistem pendidikan pelayaran modern dengan mengutamakan penguasaan kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan bermutu sesuai persyaratan pasar dan pengguna jasa serta memenuhi statutory (berbasis aturan internasional) dan regulatory (peraturan regional) yang berlaku dan menjadi Institusi World Class di tahun 2030.
  2. Meningkatkan jumlah dan mutu penelitian ilmiah di bidang pelayaran yang berbasis pada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terkini yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan industri pelayaran nasional dan internasional serta menerapkan corporate social responsibility dan melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
  3. Meningkatkan pembinaan sikap kepemimpinan, mental dan moral serta kesamaptaan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berdisiplin tinggi, bertanggung jawab, berbudi pekerti mulia serta peduli terhadap keselamatan, kemanan, efisiensi pelayaran dan pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan laut.
  4. Meningkatkan pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan serta fasilitas pembentukan sikap secara efektif, efisien dan pengembangannya sesuai tuntutan kebutuhan.
  5. Meningkatkan sistem manajemen mutu terpadu untuk menerapkan tatakelola organisasi yang transparan dan akuntabel serta melakukan pengembangan yang berkesinambungan dan tanggap terhadap keluhan pelanggan.

Sejarah Perkembangan STIP

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran adalah Pendidikan pelayaran yang berada dibawah naungan Badan Diklat Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. Berdiri sejak tahun 1953 Akademi Ilmu Pelayaran yang menyelenggarakan Program Diploma III (setara dengan BSc) dengan 2 jurusan antara lain: Nautika dan Teknika (sertifikat kompetensi Klas III), lama pendidikan 3-4 tahun.
Pada tanggal 27 februari 1957 AIP diresmikan oleh Presiden Pertama RI Ir. Soekarno. Saat itu juga menjadi Akademi Pelayaran Pertama di Indonesia. Lokasi kampus berada di Jl. Gunung Sahari, Mangga Dua Ancol, Jakarta Utara.
Pada tahun 1962 AIP menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan Akademi Pelayaran Amerika yaitu Kings Point untuk kelas khusus. Sejak didirikan, AIP telah memilki reputasi yang baik sebagai Pusat pendidikan Pelayaran sehingga pada tahun 1974 sampai dengan 1984 AIP berhasil menyelenggarakan pertukaran pelajar dengan Tanzania, Malaysia dan Bangladesh.
Pada tahun 1964 Akademi Ilmu Pelayaran Niaga dan Akademi Telekomunikasi dilebur menjadi Akademi Ilmu Pelayaran. sehingga AIP mendapat lisensi untuk melaksanakan 4 program studi: Nautika, Teknika, Ketatalaksanaan dan Kepelabuhanan (KTK) dan Elektronika & Telekomunikasi.
Pada tahun 1983 Akademi Ilmu Pelayaran berubah nama menjadi Pendidikan dan Latihan Ahli Pelayaran (PLAP) dan diberikan lisensi untuk melaksanakan program Strata A, Strata B dan Strata C dengan 4 jurusan: Nautika, Teknika, Telekomunikasi Pelayaran dan Ketatalaksanaan dan Kepelabuhanan (KTK).
PadaStrata A merupakan program 3 tahun yang setara dengan BSc dengan sertifikat kepelautan kelas 3, Strata B merupakan program 1 tahun untuk pelaut yang memiliki pengalaman berlayar 2 tahun setelah mengikuti pendidikan Starta A dan memiliki sertifikat kepelautan kelas 2 dan Strata C merupakan program pendidikan dengan sertifikat kepelautan kelas 1. tahun 1995 PLAP mendapatkan lisensi untuk menyelenggarakan Program DiplomaIV dengan 3 Jurusan: Nautika, teknika dan Ketatalaksanaan dan kepelabuhanan (KTK) yang setara dengan Sarjana program kepelautan.
Pada tahun 1998 Institut diberi lisensi untuk menyelenggarakan DIklat Familiarization Training, Basic Safety Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat, Advance Fire Fighting, Tanker Familiarization, Oil Tanker, Liquified Gas Tanker, Chemical Tanker, GOC-GMDSS, Medical First Aid Training, Medical Care Training dan Radar /ARPA Training.
Pada bulan maret 2000 Pendidikan dan Latihan Ahli Pelayaran (PLAP) berubah status menjadi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran (STIP) dengan struktur organisasi baru yang membuka kesempatan bagi STIP untuk menjawab tantangan melaksanakan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih tinggi sampai ke jenjang S2 dan S3.
Dan akhirnya pada bulan april 2002 STIP menempati Kampus baru di Marunda Jakarta Utara.
Sejarah Kepemimpinan STIP dari masa ke masa adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Kalangie 2. Capt. M. Wibowo 3. Capt. R. Soebakti 4. Capt. Bintang Siregar
5. Capt. Harun Rasidi 6. Capt. Mispantoro 7. Soegiarto 8. Capt. Istopo
9. Capt. L. Moniaga 10. Capt. Budi Sunarjo 11. Capt. Rozaimi Jatim 12. Laksma. Soetoro
13. Kol. Ahmad Birlin 14.Capt.Drs.Parlindungan Siahaan, MM 15. Rusman Hoesien, MSc 16. Capt. Yan Risuandi, Msc
17. Capt. Zulfarmi Syawal, SH, MM (Ketua Saat ini)


On 4 June 2012, Chelsea officially confirmed on its website that the club had agreed terms with Lille for the transfer of Hazard. The midfielder agreed personal terms with the club and passed a medical examination. The transfer fee was reported to be priced at £32million.[142]
Upon signing with Chelsea, Hazard told the club's official website "I'm delighted to finally arrive here. It's a wonderful club and I can't wait to get started".[143] Hazard was given the number 17, which was previously worn by José Bosingwa.[144] On July 18, Hazard made his Chelsea debut in the club's first pre-season friendly against the Seattle Sounders and played the majority of the match, opening his Chelsea scoring account.
On 12 August 2012, Hazard made his debut for Chelsea in the 2012 FA Community Shield against Manchester City, which ended in a 3–2 defeat at Villa Park.[145] A week later, he made his league debut against Wigan Athletic at the DW Stadium. In the contest, Hazard provided the assist for Branislav Ivanović's opening goal and, minutes later, won a penalty, which Frank Lampard converted, earning his side a 2–0 victory.[146][147][148] He made his Stamford Bridge debut in the team's next fixture, against Reading on 22 August, he won another penalty from which Lampard converted. Hazard also assisted on goals by Gary Cahill and Branislav Ivanović as Chelsea won 4–2 at Stamford Bridge.[149][150] Three days later, Hazard scored his first goal as a Chelsea player in the team's league match against Newcastle United after scoring a penalty. Chelsea won the match 2–0.[151]
Hazard made his Champions League debut for Chelsea in the team's opening group stage game against Juventus.[152] On 6 October, he scored his second goal for Chelsea in a 4–1 win against Norwich City.[153] During December he scored in back-to-back games, in a 5–1 win against Leeds United in the League Cup,[154] and a 8–0 league win against Aston Villa.[155]
In January 2013, Hazard scored a stunning goal with his left-foot from 25 yards in Chelsea's 0–4 win over Stoke City, as Chelsea inflicted the first home defeat of the season on Stoke.[156] He scored again in the following game, with an impressive strike from the edge of the area in a 2–2 draw at home to Southampton.[157]
"I've said to him he has got absolutely everything. He's only 22, he has the world at his feet and with the way he’s playing and the ability he has on the ball, he is scaring the life out of people."
Frank Lampard, on Eden Hazard.[158]
On 23 January 2013, he was sent off in the Football League Cup semi-final second leg game against Swansea City for kicking a ball out from underneath a ball boy who was lying on it in order to waste time. Chelsea went on to lose the tie 2–0.[159][160] Thereafter, he told Chelsea TV that he "apologised and the boy apologised" to each other.[161] On 9 February, he scored on his return from suspension in a 4–1 win at home against Wigan Athletic.[162]
On 21 February 2013, Hazard came on as a substitute against Sparta Prague and scored an individual goal in stoppage time, to send Chelsea through to the last 16 on a 2–1 aggregate score.[163][164] Again Hazard came off the bench to make an impact for Chelsea, scoring a goal and providing an assist to Ramires, as the Blues came back from 2–0 down to salvage a 2–2 draw against Manchester United in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup on 10 March, setting up a replay at Stamford Bridge.[165] On 17 March 2013, Hazard put in a Man of the Match performance at Stamford Bridge in a 2–0 victory over West Ham United, assisting on Frank Lampard's 200th Chelsea goal, then scoring a solo goal.[166] On 11 May 2013, at Villa Park, Hazard was the provider of Lampard's brace against Aston Villa, which enabled Lampard to break Bobby Tambling's all-time goal scoring record for Chelsea. Hazard ended his debut campaign at Chelsea with 13 goals in all competitions.
One of Chelsea's first games of the season was against Bayern Munich in the 2013 UEFA Super Cup, where Hazard played a vital role in the build up to the first goal and scored the second, but went on to an eventual 5–4 defeat in the penalty shoot-out.[167] In October 2013, Hazard, as a substitute, scored the game-clinching goal in a 3–1 Premier League clash against Norwich City at Carrow Road,[168] before scoring twice and assisting Samuel Eto'o's first Chelsea goal in a comprehensive defeat of Cardiff City in the same competition.[169] Hazard netted his fifth goal of the season against Schalke in a crucial 0–3 Champions League Group Stage win.[170] In October, Hazard was part of the 23-man shortlist of players nominated for the prestigious FIFA Ballon d'Or, awarded to the player who is voted the men's world footballer of the year.[171]
On 9 November 2013, Hazard created Chelsea's first goal against West Bromwich Albion, which was scored by Samuel Eto'o. Later in the match Chelsea went 2–1 down, but Hazard scored a last minute penalty to clinch a point for his team.[172] On 4 December 2013, Hazard scored a brace in a 4–3 away victory over Sunderland,[173] with coach José Mourinho claiming that Hazard delivered his best performance of the season.[174] Sunderland manager Gus Poyet also praised Hazard for his individual impact on the game. Poyet said: "Eden Hazard was outstanding. He was unplayable, as a manager I haven't come up against anyone like that.".[175]
"Eden can become one of the best players in the world. Now he sees his football and profession with new eyes."
José Mourinho, on Eden Hazard.[176]
On 26 December 2013, Hazard scored the only goal in Chelsea's 1–0 victory over Swansea.[177] In Chelsea's next league match, Hazard scored a goal from 25 yards during Chelsea's 2–1 victory over Liverpool.[178] The following week, Hazard scored the opening goal in Chelsea's 2-0 victory away to Hull City.

2011–12 season

Ahead of the 2011–12 season, Hazard switched to the number 10 shirt.[106] In Lille's first competitive match of the season against Marseille in the 2011 Trophée des Champions, Hazard scored the team's second goal, which put Lille up 2–0. Marseille would later come back to win the match 5–4.[107] On 20 August, in the team's third league match of the season, Hazard assisted on Lille's opening goal, scored by Benoît Pedretti, in a 2–1 win over Caen.[108] A month later on 10 September, he scored two goals in a 3–1 away victory against Saint-Étienne.[109][110] Fours days after, Hazard made his UEFA Champions League debut in a 2–2 group stage draw with Russian club CSKA Moscow.[111]
In Lille's next league match following his Champions League debut, he converted a penalty in a 2–2 draw with Sochaux.[112] Three days after, Hazard scored the equalizing goal in a 1–1 draw against Bordeaux.[113] Against Turkish outfit Trabzonspor on 27 September, he assisted on Lille's only goal, scored by Moussa Sow, in a 1–1 draw.[114] After going over two months without scoring a league goal, on 3 December, Hazard came on as a substitute and scored the match-winning goal in a win over Ajaccio converting a penalty—described as an "Antonín Panenka-style chipped penalty".[115][116] Two days later, Hazard was among several players nominated for the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Team of the Year for the 2011 calendar year.[117]
In Lille's final match before the winter break, Hazard tied his career-high for league goals in a season by scoring the team's third goal in a 4–4 draw with Nice.[118] After scoring the goal, Hazard celebrated by paying tribute to Molami Bokoto, a former Lille youth academy player who had died a day prior.[119][120] In Lille's first match following the 2011–12 winter break, Hazard scored his ninth goal of the campaign in a 6–0 away win over amateur club Chantilly in the Coupe de France.[121] In the following month, Lille were defeated 2–0 by league rivals Marseille and eliminated from both national cup competitions.[122][123][124]
On 28 January, Hazard scored the team's opening goal converting a penalty in a 3–0 win over Saint-Étienne.[125] Two weeks later, he converted a free kick goal against Bordeaux. Lille had been trailing 4–1 prior to the goal and eventually recovered to draw the match at 4–4, however, Bordeaux scored in injury time to secure a thrilling 5–4 win.[126][127] On 3 March, Hazard scored both team goals in a 2–2 draw with Auxerre.[128]
On 18 March, Hazard scored a goal and assisted on two others in a 4–0 win over local rivals Valenciennes.[129] In Lille's next match against Evian, Hazard converted a penalty and assisted on a goal by Dimitri Payet in a 3–0 win.[130] The following week, on 1 April 2012, Hazard converted a first-half penalty and later assisted on another Payet goal to cap a 2–1 victory over Toulouse.[131][132]
On 15 April, Hazard marked his 100 consecutive Ligue 1 appearance, which to date, is the longest current run in the French top flight, by scoring a goal and assisting on another in a 4–1 win over Ajaccio.[133][134] A week later, Hazard scored another goal, this time in a 2–0 win over Dijon.[135] On 29 April, in a vital league fixture against Paris Saint-Germain, he converted his ninth penalty of the season to draw the match at 1–1 canceling out a goal from Javier Pastore. Hazard later contributed to Lille's game-winning goal after delivering a rabona-style cross into the box, which was laid onto the path of striker Nolan Roux who, subsequently, converted the goal to give Lille a 2–1 win.[136][137]
On 28 April, for the third consecutive season, Hazard was nominated for the UNFP Player of the Year award.[138] Two weeks later, he was awarded the prestigious honour ahead of the likes of Olivier Giroud and Younès Belhanda.[139] After capturing the award, Hazard became the second player in the awards' history after former Paris Saint-Germain striker Pauleta to achieve the honour in consecutive seasons.[140] He was also included in the Team of the Year for the third straight season. On 20 May, Hazard appeared in his final match as a Lille player, coincidentally, against Nancy, the club he made his professional debut against. In the match, Hazard recorded his first professional hat-trick in a 4–1 win

2010–11 season

Hazard began the 2010–11 campaign as a starter featuring in Lille's first six league matches of the season, as well as matches in the UEFA Europa League. On 29 August 2010, he scored his first goal of the season in a 1–1 draw with Nice.[75] In late September, Hazard began to struggle with inconsistency and was benched by Garcia in an effort to "allow him (Hazard) to breathe and learn that his performances were insufficient".[76] Hazard, subsequently, appeared as a substitute in the team's 2–1 defeat to Portuguese club Sporting in the Europa League and as a substitute in the next three league matches against Toulouse, Montpellier, and Lyon.[77][78][79] Hazard later admitted that his first bout of inconsistency affected him stating "The first two months were a bit tough. I wouldn’t say that I began doubting my abilities, but I definitely went through a really patchy spell".[80]
On 7 October, Belgium national team manager Georges Leekens, citing Hazard's recent spell on the bench at Lille, said that the player needed to work harder, both physically and mentally, to regain his past year's form. The team's assistant coach, Marc Wilmots, also stated that Hazard often displayed a lazy mentality while training with the national team.[81] Garcia responded to Leekens comments the following day stating that he thought they were "excessive" and that "Eden is only 19 years old" and can still "make more progress in all areas."[82] Following Belgium's match against Kazakhstan, in which Hazard failed to start or even appear on the substitute's bench, Leekens responded to Garcia's comments declaring that he would stand by his previous comments and that players must think about the team and not themselves.[83] Hazard, himself, later reflected on Leekens and Garcia comments in February 2011 stating "I learned a lot during those few weeks, mentally speaking. And since then things have got better. The national side has had a fair bit to do with that – I get a lot out of being a part of it".[80]
Following the international break, Hazard recaptured his scoring form netting the final goal in Lille's 4–1 victory over Caen in the Coupe de la Ligue on 27 October.[84] Ten days later, he scored his second league goal of the season in a 3–1 win against the league table leaders Brest.[85] On 21 November, Hazard assisted on both Lille's goals in a 2–1 win over Monaco.[86] The victory continued the club's domestic unbeaten streak, which led to Lille topping the league table following an emphatic 6–3 victory against Lorient on 5 December.[87] At the turn of the calendar year, Hazard scored in the team's first match against amateur club Forbach in the Coupe de France. Lille won the match 3–1.[88] In the team's following match, he assisted on goals scored by Moussa Sow and Gervinho in a 2–0 league victory over Nice.[89]
On 19 January, Hazard scored the second goal in a 3–0 victory over Nancy.[90] On 4 March, Lille officials confirmed that Hazard had added an extra year to his contract. The new deal tied him to the club until 2015 and also made him the highest paid player in Ligue 1 beginning with the 2011–12 season.[91][92][93] In his first match after the news, Hazard scored the opening goal in Lille's 2–1 away win over title rivals Marseille.[94] The goal was scored on a left-footed shot from almost 35 metres (38 yd) out and was clocked at 95 km/h (59 mph).[95]
On 2 April, Hazard capped his 100th league appearance with Lille by scoring the second goal in a 3–1 win over Caen.[96] The goal tied his career-high for goals in a season and also moved Lille eight points clear at the top of the league table.[97] For his performances in the month of March, Hazard was named the UNFP Player of the Month for the second time in his career.[98] On 19 April, after appearing as a first half substitute, he scored the opening goal in Lille's 2–0 Coupe de France semi-final victory over Nice.[99] The victory inserted the club into the 2011 Coupe de France Final; the club's first appearance in the competition's final since 1955. On 7 May, Hazard converted a game-winning free-kick goal in the team's 1–0 win over Nancy.[100] Three days later, he was nominated for the UNFP Ligue 1 Player of the Year award for the second consecutive season.[101]
In the Coupe de France final, Hazard played 89 minutes as Lille defeated Paris Saint-Germain 1–0 at the Stade de France.[102] A week later, Lille clinched the Ligue 1 title by drawing 2–2 away to Paris Saint-Germain, achieving the club's first league championship since the 1953–54 season and the club's first double since the 1945–46 season.[103][104] The domestic cup and league title were the first two honours in Hazard's career. On the day after Lille won the league, Hazard was named the UNFP Ligue 1 Player of the Year becoming the youngest player ever to win the award.[105] He was also rewarded with a place in the organization's Team of the Year for the second consecutive season

2009–10 season

Following the 2008–09 season, constant media speculation occurred in numerous countries regarding Hazard's availability on the transfer market. Despite Lille chairman Michel Seydoux declaring the player off limits and Hazard stating that he wanted to remain at the club for at least another season, several clubs declared interest in the player.[55][56] These included English clubs Arsenal and Manchester United, Italian club Internazionale, and Spanish clubs Barcelona and Real Madrid. French football legend Zinedine Zidane personally recommended the player to the latter club.[57][58][59][60][61]
Hazard began the 2009–10 season on a positive note scoring in Lille's first competitive match of the season. The goal, contributing to the team's 2–0 victory, came against Serbian club FK Sevojno in the first leg of the club's third qualifying round match in the UEFA Europa League.[62] On 27 August, he scored his second career European goal in the club's second leg tie in the playoff round against Belgian club Genk. It was Lille's final goal in the club's 4–2 victory.[63] The 6–3 aggregate scoreline assured the club progression to the Europa League group stage.
On 22 October, Hazard scored a goal in Lille's important 3–0 victory over Italian club Genoa in the 84th minute after entering as a substitute 10 minutes prior. Upon receiving the ball on the left wing, Hazard proceeded to dash through the midfield dribbling past six Genoa defenders before finishing at the 18-yard box.[64][65] A month later, Hazard was instrumental in Lille's 5–1 thrashing of Czech club Slavia Prague as he was partly responsible for the opening goal — slicing through the defense and delivering a cross near post, which went off Slavia player Marek Suchý resulting in an own goal.[66]
On 20 December, Hazard scored his first league goal of the season in the club's 3–0 win over Le Mans. He also provided both the assists on the other two goals.[67] On 30 January, Hazard scored the only goal in Lille's win over Derby du Nord rivals Lens.[68] The victory helped the club achieve stability in the league by keeping them in the UEFA Champions League places. It also ended a disaster of a week which saw Lille suffer elimination from both of France's cup competitions. Five days later, Hazard and Lille reached an agreement on a contract extension, which will keep the player at the club until 2014.[69][70] On 11 March, Hazard scored the only goal in Lille's victory over English club Liverpool in the first leg of the club's UEFA Europa League tie converting a free kick in the 83rd minute.[71] Three weeks later, Hazard provided two assists in the club's 4–1 win over fellow title contenders Montpellier.[72] The two passes brought his league tally to seven, tied for second in the league. For his impressive displays in the month of March, Hazard was given the UNFP Player of the Month award.[73]
On 29 April, Hazard was nominated for the UNFP Ligue 1 Player of the Year award. He was also nominated, for the second consecutive season, for the Young Player of the Year award.[74] On 9 May, Hazard was awarded the UNFP Young Player of the Year trophy for the second consecutive season. He became the first player since its inception in 1994 to win the award twice.[14] Hazard lost out on the Player of the Year award, which was awarded to Lyon striker Lisandro López

2008–09 season

For the 2008–09 season, Hazard was given the number 26 shirt after playing with the number 33 shirt in his debut season. He was also promoted to the senior team permanently by new manager Rudi Garcia. Early on, he made substitute appearances regularly making his season debut as a substitute on 14 September 2008 against Sochaux in a 1–1 draw.[42] One of his substitute appearances proved beneficial against Auxerre on 20 September. With Lille trailing 2–1 in the waning minutes of the match, Hazard, after Lille took a corner kick, quickly scooped up a short clearance from Auxerre and took a right-footed shot just outside the box. It beat the keeper and drew the score 2–2 in the 88th minute.[43] With Lille's confidence high, the club won the match 3–2 in injury time following a goal from Tulio de Melo.[44] Hazard's first career goal resulted in him becoming the youngest goalscorer in the club's history.[45]
Four days after scoring his first professional goal, Hazard made his first professional start in a 4–2 defeat on penalties to Montpellier in the Coupe de la Ligue.[46] After featuring as a substitute in the team's next five league matches, on 15 November, Hazard made his first professional league start against Saint-Étienne. He capped the appearance by scoring the opening goal in the club's 3–0 victory.[47] His assured performances with the club resulted in Lille offering him a three year contract extension, which he agreed to on 18 November 2008, tying him to the club until 2012.[48]
After featuring as a substitute in December, Hazard returned to the starting lineup in January. On 23 January, he scored the second goal in a 3–0 win over amateur club Dunkerque in Round of 32 of the Coupe de France.[49] Two weeks later, he scored the match-winning goal in a league match against Sochaux and, on 22 February, assisted on the winner against Monaco.[50][51] In the Round of 16 of the Coupe de France, Hazard netted a goal in a 3–2 win over the competition's defending champions Lyon.[52] On 26 April, he scored the opening goal against Marseille, though Lille lost the match 2–1.[53] In the final ten league matches of the campaign, Hazard started eight and contributed to the team finishing in fifth place, which resulted in Lille qualifying for the newly created UEFA Europa League. After the season, he was named the National Union of Professional Footballers (UNFP) Young Player of the Year, becoming the first international player to achieve the honor